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Glendale Community College District                                                                             5314

Administrative Regulation


Student Body Finance – Insurance


A.        Student body insurance practices fall into several categories as follows:


            1.         Required insurance              Workers Compensation       (District initiated)

                                                                        Liability Insurance                 (District initiated)

                                                                        Fidelity Bonds                       (District initiated)


            2.         All student body owned inventory and equipment shall be insured for:


                                                                        Theft                            Vandalism

                                                                        Fire                             Malicious Mischief


Monies in safe and out of safe and being transported may be insured.  Amounts of coverage will be determined upon the recommendation of the auditor, and the ASB Graduate Business Manager.


            3.         Optional Insurance


Equipment such as musical instruments, cameras, etc., not owned by the student body but used for student body purposes may be insured if authorized in the student body budget.


Adopted:        7/10/73

Revised:         3/31/83