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Glendale Community College District                                                                             4142

Administrative Regulation                                                                                             



The Released Time/Extra Pay (RT/EP) Committee has the responsibility to review assignments that include duties beyond those normally required under the contract, and to make recommendations to the Campus Executive Committee.   Released Time (RT) and extra pay (EP) assignments of faculty are not directly related to the primary faculty assignment.  A RT/EP position shall be voluntary and shall not interfere with the employee’s non-released time contractual responsibilities.   The evaluation of released time or extra pay duties is independent of the evaluations specified in the contract and relates only to the position specified.  Changes in released time or extra pay assignments that are related to collective bargaining and covered in the contract are subject to negotiations, and will not be addressed by the RT/EP Committee.


A released time position is expected to require that percentage of the employee’s weekly hours on campus.   Work hours during the winter intercession may be necessary to complete the assignment.


The RT/EP Committee will publish by the second week of each semester a complete list of current non-contractual assignments which will include the position, incumbent, supervisor, term and amount of released time and/or stipend on the campus web site.  Also published will be a current list of position openings.


Released Time/Extra Pay

Certain faculty members may, by appointment, be relieved of a percentage of their workloads in order to administer or coordinate special curricular or extra curricular projects. (Some examples of the recipients of released time/extra pay are:  Learning Center, Staff Development Coordinator, and Scholars.)

Other faculty members may retain their loads and assume additional duties for which they receive extra pay.


Some released time or extra pay is specified in the collective bargaining agreement and as such the amount of time or pay is covered in the contract. This would include such assignments as released time for Guild or Academic Senate officers, division chair’s released time and stipends, and stipends for coaching or performing arts. Changes in these assignments are subject to negotiations and will not be addressed by the RT/EP Committee.


Procedures For Administering Released Time/Extra Pay Assignments


The procedures used by the RT/EP Committee in making recommendations for released time are:

  1. An on-campus system of job announcements shall operate through the Office of Human Resources allowing all employees to be aware of released time opportunities.  In addition, by the second week of each semester the chair of the RT/EP Committee will publish on the campus web site a complete list of current RT/EP assignments, including all assignments made through RT/EP procedures as well as assignments made in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement and assignments made through grants.


  1. An on-campus system of job announcements shall operate through the Office of Human Resources allowing all employees to be aware of released time opportunities.  These announcements will include all released time/extra pay positions except:


a.       Assignments made in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement

b.       Emergency appointments for one semester as described below

c.       Assignments made in conjunction with a grant in which the recipient is designated on the grant application.


  1. Job announcements shall contain the following information:


(a)       The tasks or activities expected of the person who is to receive released time or extra pay.

(b)       The specific amount of released time or extra pay to be given to perform the necessary tasks. Released time shall be phrased as a percentage of the regular contract.  Assignment may include work hours during the winter intercession as needed.

(c)       The term of the assignment (three years maximum to be reviewed at the end of each year or more often, if necessary).

(d)       A statement that activities related to the released time or extra pay are in lieu of a partial assignment only and in no way supplant contractual responsibilities such as office hours, committee assignments, and curriculum revision and development.


  1. A permanent committee with two representatives each from the administration, guild, and senate and  two classified members selected by CSEA, should be created to oversee released time. The committee shall be called the RT/EP Committee. An Administrator who shall be a non-voting member will chair this committee. This committee, in conjunction with discretionary invited experts, shall approve the job announcements.


This standing committee, with discretionary invited experts, shall evaluate released time/extra pay job performance annually, more often if necessary, and recommend maintaining, increasing, decreasing, or eliminating the released time or extra pay. Each semester the committee shall publish and maintain a record of all actions taken relative to released time or extra pay assignments.


  1. Once the administration has approved an appointment, the Office of Human Resources will notify the successful candidate and the supervisor of the RT/EP assignment. This announcement will include the term of the appointment and the amount of released time. Notification will also be sent to the other candidates who applied for the position. The appointment will be maintained in the master record of RT/EP positions and posted on the GCC web site. The Office of Human Resources will coordinate the assignments of RT/EP positions with payroll and the budget process.


  1. Released Time believed to be necessary by the administration is to be given for one semester only.   It need not go through the formal procedure but should be part of the public record. This is understood to be an emergency procedure only.  If the position is intended to be extended beyond one semester, it shall be processed through the RT/EP Committee as a new position.


  1. If a vacancy occurs in the RT/EP assignment during the term, an appointment can be made by the supervisor to complete the fiscal year. The position would then be advertised to fill the vacancy.


  1. Appeals to this procedure may be made to the RT/EP Committee. Upon lack of a mutually satisfactory solution, further appeal may be made to the College Executive Committee.


  1. If the RT/EP position is no longer needed, the supervisor shall notify the Chair of the RT/EP Committee.   The notification will be placed on the agenda for the next RT/EP Committee.


NOTE: Extra pay implies doing something beyond the normal workweek of an employee. In order to qualify for extra pay, an employee must be able to show that a particular assignment cannot or should not be done within that employee’s normal workweek because of all the other work-related responsibilities that individual must meet.


Released Time/Extra Pay Selection Procedures


When a released time (RT) or extra pay (EP) assignment becomes available, the RT/EP Committee, in conjunction with discretionary invited experts, will approve a job announcement. The announcement will be circulated to all employees and posted by the Director of Human Resources on the GCC web site. 


Academic Positions

The Senate, Guild, and Administration will appoint a selection committee consisting of a minimum of three members as follows:


1 Administrative representative

1 Faculty Senate representative

1 Guild representative


One of the above will be selected by the committee as a whole to be chair. The RT/EP Committee may expand the size of the selection committee beyond three members when appropriate.


The selection committee will review applications, interview the candidates, and recommend through simple majority the successful candidate(s) to the Superintendent/President or designee for interview and final selection. The selection committee may call for the position to be re-advertised in the event that it deems there are no qualified candidates.


Evaluation Procedure For Released Time/Extra Pay Positions

Faculty members receiving released time or extra pay will be evaluated on an annual basis. This evaluation is independent of the evaluations specified in the contract and relates only to the position specified. The procedure for the evaluation is as follows:


1.   The recipient of the released time or extra pay completes a report on the project and on his or her duties concerning it.


2.   The recipient’s supervisor (division chair, administrator, or other individual or committee) completes a report on the project and on the recipient’s contribution to it.


3.   The Released timed/Extra pay Committee, a permanent Governance subcommittee, makes recommendations to the Executive Committee based on the evaluation information. Within a one-to-three-year period, the college will make released time/extra pay assignments available to new qualified candidates by application and appointment. The current recipient may re-apply for the assignment.





(This evaluation is independent of the evaluations specified in the contract and

relates only to the position specified below)


Evaluation Of Released Time/Extra Pay Assignment


(To be completed by the Released Time/Extra Pay Committee)


Today’s date _________________________



Name of Evaluatee


Evaluatee’s Title



1.         Should this assignment be continued?


2.         How appropriate is the amount of released time or extra pay given for this position?


3.         Should the evaluatee continue on the assignment?





(This evaluation is independent of the evaluations specified in the contract and

relates only to the position specified below)


Evaluation Of Released Time/Extra Pay Assignment

(to be completed by supervisor of released time/extra pay recipient)



Name of Supervisor_____________________________________________


Today’s Date______________



Name of Evaluatee______________________________________________


Evaluatee’s Title________________________________________________



1.         How well have the objectives of the released time/extra pay assignment, as stated on the attached job description, been met?







2.         Discuss the recipient’s contributions to the assignment and whether or not you feel that (s) he has met the stated objectives of the assignment. Use reverse side if necessary.









3.         Does the job description accurately reflect what the position requires? Please explain.





(This evaluation is independent of the evaluations specified in the Guild Contract  and relates only to the position specified below.)


Evaluation Of Released Time/Extra Pay Assignment

(to be completed by released time/extra pay recipient)


Name:  ____________________________________________________


Today’s Date:________________________________________________



Division or college area______________________________________________



Position for which you are receiving released time or extra pay





Percentage of released time assigned_______________ (or) amount of extra


 pay (or stipend) given per semester __________________________________



1.         How well have the objectives of the released time/extra pay assignment, as stated on the attached job description, been met?






2.         Discuss your contributions to the assignment and give evidence of your having
            met the stated objectives of the assignment. Use reverse side if necessary.




3.         Does the job description accurately reflect what the position requires? Please explain.





In creating the job description, you may wish to refer to the following list. All or perhaps some items may relate to the assignment:



1.              Leadership

Selection                                                                        Legislation

Assignment and Scheduling                                       Conferences

Payroll                                                                             Conflict Resolution


2.              Curriculum


Presentation to C & I



3.              Budget


Annual Request


Preparation of Grant Application - Fiscal


4.              Students




Testing - Selection and Administration


5.              Materials, Equipment

Selection and Ordering




6.              Classified Personnel




7.              Locations



8.              Coordination College -

Internal meetings, e.g. Division Chairs, Governance

Committees, Executive Committee

Community -

External Meetings State or Federal Agencies

Advisory Boards       Conferences


Adopted:  5/14/02



        Job Announcement


                                                 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY

                                        RELEASED TIME/EXTRA PAY POSITION



                                                             (POSITION TITLE)



Objectives of Assignment:





Description of Assignment:






 Tasks and/or Activities Required:










Preferred Qualifications:










Stipend and/or Released Time:




Term of Assignment:


Application Procedure:


1.         An application form may be obtained from the Office of Human Resources.

2.         The completed application form and a resume of the applicants’ experience shall be returned to the Office of Human Resources.

3.         A selection committee will be appointed to interview the candidates for the


4.         The top candidate’s will be referred to the Superintendent/President or his designee for final interview and selection.

5.         Candidates will be advised of the results of the final interview.



Application forms are available in the

Office of Human Resources






Implementation of this position will be subject to availability of financial resources.




All activities related to this position are in lieu of a partial assignment only and in no way supplant contractual responsibilities such as office hours, committee assignments and curriculum revision and development.


Adopted:  5/14/02




                                                 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY

                                        RELEASED TIME/EXTRA PAY POSITION






Name: _________________________________________________________



Current position at this college______________________________________



College telephone extension _______________________________________



Relevant experience/education______________________________________












References (use other side if necessary):







All activities related to this position are in lieu of a partial assign­ment only and in no way supplant contractual responsibilities such as office hours, committee assignments and curriculum revision and development.


Adopted 5-14-02