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Glendale Community College District                                                                             3820

Administrative Regulation


District Equipment


All college facilities and equipment are provided and maintained primarily for the benefit of students enrolled at the Glendale Community College District.  The District recognizes that there may occur occasions when the use of District equipment by organizations, employees or students may arise.  District equipment may be loaned in accordance with the following:


A.        Use by Outside Organization


Loan of District equipment shall be made to school districts, civic, governmental or non-profit organizations, and professional organizations in which an employee participates, only when such use does not interfere with the instructional or support service needs of the District. Such loan of equipment may be made only upon the prior written authorization of the Superintendent/President or the Executive Vice President for Administrative Services and upon the filing of the requisite form provided by the Office of Administrative Services.


Loan of District equipment may be made to organizations or individuals leasing District facilities in accordance with Board Policy 1410, Use of College Facilities.


B.        Use by Employees of the District


Loan of District equipment shall be made to District employees only for the purpose of conducting District business.  Such loan of equipment may be made only upon the prior written authorization of the Superintendent/President or the Executive Vice President for Administrative Services and upon the filing of the requisite form provided by the Office of Administrative Services.


In the case of computer technology equipment used for District business, or used by an employee for work associated with a professional organization, such loan of equipment may be made upon the prior written authorization of the Dean of Information Technology and upon the filing of the requisite form provided by the Office of Information Technology.


Use of District equipment outside the work place for personal use is prohibited.  Use of District office equipment, such as computers, phones, copiers, and fax machines, etc., should be kept to a minimum.  District employees shall reimburse the District for all costs related to personal use.


C.        Use by Students


Loan of instructional equipment to students may be made only upon the prior written authorization of the appropriate Division Chair.  A security deposit may be required at the discretion of the Division Chair.  Use of District equipment for personal use is prohibited.



Adopted:  3/17/03