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Glendale Community College District                                                                             2700

Administrative Regulation


Implementation and Grievance Procedures for Sexual Harassment of Employees


A.                 Sexual harassment is a matter requiring unusually prompt attention by authority since failure to act may represent personal damages to the alleged victim.  Further, the issues involved are typically very personal and sensitive, and many victims will not risk the delays, publicity and complications attendant to regular grievance procedures.  Since this District recognizes the delicate nature of such situations, each step in the grievance procedure will be conducted with discretion in order to maintain a high degree of confidentiality.  It is the intent of these procedures to result in prompt recourse and to ensure fairness and equity to both the person alleging the wrong and to the person accused of the wrong.


The District recognizes its responsibility to make every effort to maintain a neutral work and educational environment free of sexual harassment and/or intimidation.  For purposes of this policy, examples of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment, and are outside the standards of professional conduct, include:


1.      Deliberate or unsolicited verbal comments, gestures, physical contacts of a sexual nature or demeaning to one’s gender which are unwelcome and interfere with work or learning productivity;  or


2.      Implicit or explicit sexual behavior by a teacher, supervisor, or co-worker to control, influence or otherwise affect the job, salary, course grade, performance evaluation, opportunity for employment or career of an employee, non-district affiliated applicant for employment, or student.


B.                 Employees of the Glendale Community College District who believe they are the victims of sexual harassment should promptly notify their immediate supervisor.  If the complaint is against the immediate supervisor, the employee’s recourse shall be to the Director of Certificated Personnel/Affirmative Action Officer and the complaints will be reviewed and investigated in accordance with the appropriate provisions in the “Evaluation and Review Procedure for Processing Grievances” in the Affirmative Action Policy and Program Manual.


A.                 Non-district affiliated applicants for employment/admission to College District programs shall have direct recourse to the Director of Certificated Personnel/Affirmative Action Officer.  The complaints will be reviewed and investigated in accordance with the appropriate provisions in the “Evaluation and Review Procedure for Processing Grievances” in the Affirmative Action Policy and Program Manual.


B.                 Administrative and supervisory personnel who receive complaints of sexual harassment shall endeavor to obtain all necessary information from the complainant and the accused and shall follow up the complaint with an initial investigation, and notify the Director of Certificated Personnel/Affirmative Action Officer that a complaint has been received and shall keep the Director of Certificated Personnel/Affirmative Action Officer informed as to any developments in the investigation process.


C.                Sanctions:  The District will impose appropriate sanctions against employees and students who are found to have engaged in sexual harassment while on or about the campus.


D.                In cases where allegations are found to be totally without merit, the individual who initiated the charges may be subject to disciplinary procedures.


Adopted:        1/25/89